He slept a scant five hours, and only one with a constitution of iron could have held himself down, as Martin did, day after day, to nineteen consecutive hours of toil. 只有他那种结实得像钢铁一样的人才能有他那种耐力。他每天连续苦读十九个小时,天天如此。
The sprawling state-owned enterprise and Mr Palmer are embroiled in an increasingly acrimonious dispute over Sino Iron, the ill-fated venture that was already five times over budget before iron ore prices collapsed. 庞大的国有企业中信与帕尔默围绕中澳铁矿(SinoIron)陷入了一场越来越激烈的纠纷,这个命运多舛的合资项目开发成本超出预算五倍,到头来却迎来铁矿石价格暴跌的窘境。
We will continue to improve and develop our relations with developed countries and, on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, broaden the area of common interests and appropriately iron out differences. 继续改善和发展同发达国家的关系,在和平共处五项原则的基础上,扩大共同利益,妥善解决分歧。
Invincible Demolition Trucks Build five or six Demolition Trucks and have a fully charged Iron Curtain ready. 不能征服的破坏交易建立五或六个破坏卡车并且有一完全预先指控了铁帐。
Trade between the two nations came to$ 36 billion last year, tripling in the past five years, as China scooped up iron ore, copper and soybeans while shipping manufactured goods back to Brazil. 中国在巴西收购铁矿石、铜及大豆,并将制成品运回巴西销售,中巴两国间的贸易额在过去五年中增加了两倍,去年达到360亿美元。
Photoelectric Spectral Analysis of Five Main Elements and Magnesium in the Nodular Cast Iron Pipes Production 球铁管生产中五大元素及镁的光电光谱分析
Evaluation of the bioavailability of five nutritional resources of iron in rats 几种铁营养资源的生物利用率评价
The specific methods: 1.to ascertain five control indications including suspended solid content, grain diameter median, oil content, iron bacteria and saprophytic bacteria by carrying out the experiment of core flow; 具体的做法是:采用岩心流动试验确定悬浮固体含量、颗粒直径中值、含油量、铁细菌和腐生菌五项控制指标;
As for voltage inductors, there are four kinds of linkings, namely, the linkings of one, of two and of three of them, and the linking of three three-coil inductors or one three-phase five-iron-core inductor. 电压互感器的接线方式有四种:一个、二个、三个电压互感器分别连接的情况与三个三绕组或一个三根五铁芯柱三统组电压互感器的连接情况;
Analysis on Five Harmful Elements in Pig Iron Using X-Fluorescent Spectrum X-荧光光谱仪对生铁中五害元素分析的探讨
The effect of five coagulation reagent covering poly-ferric sulfate, poly-aluminum chloride, aluminum sulfate, Iron ( II) sulfate heptahydrate and Iron ( III) chloride hexahydrate and aided coagulation reagent PAM treating the wastewater was discussed. 混凝预处理实验中,采用烧杯搅拌静态实验法,对五种常用混凝剂聚合硫酸铁、聚合氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁和三氯化铁和助凝剂PAM处理废水的效果进行了探讨。
Part five import Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant iron ore logistics optimizes as case analysis, put forward with optimize model and administrative decision optimize, import mineral shed feasible method of expense. 第五部分将武钢进口铁矿石物流优化作为案例分析,提出了用优化模型和管理决策优化来减少进口矿物流费用的可行方法。
The contents of the five mineral elements in Ulva lactuca were higher than those in other algae, and the contents of iron ( Fe) and magnesium ( Mg) were very obvious, which indicated that the mineral contents of the alga were much richer. 石莼五种矿物质含量均高于其他海藻,以铁、镁含量最为明显,表明石莼矿物质含量极为丰富。
This paper consists of five chapters. With the method of theoretical and empirical research, it discusses the market structure and the price fixing of products from large-scale enterprises after the annexing and reform among companies in steel and iron industry in China. 本文共五章,采用理论研究与实践研究相结合的方法,针对我国钢铁行业在兼并重组后的市场结构和国内重点大型钢铁企业的主要产品定价中存在的问题而展开。